One of the major aspects of activity of Computer-Aided Management Systems department is improvement of quality and prestige of education, and our way to achieve this goal is the cooperation with foreign universities. The forms of such cooperation is exchange between the educational plans and programmes preparation of cooperative scientific publications and reports, scientific practices of teachers assistants, graduate students of the department, and students’ prediploma practice of the faculty in the foreign universities. Today the department is one of the Ukrainian partners of the project “EC MASTIS”. The creation of modern master’s programme in the sphere of IJ system. This programme will last for three years and it’s main tasks will be next points: the improvments of master’s programme in the sphere of IJ systems according to the demands of business, modernization of existing section of the competences and educational programmes in the sphere of IJ systems, providing and modernization of the educational – laboratory of the infrastructure for the preparation of masters in the sphere of IJ systems. The project is not narrow specialized, together with POET department, many partners take an active part in it, such as National Technical University, National University “Lvov’s politekhnika”, and also Vinnitsa National Technical University, Kherson State University, The coordinator of this project is Kharkov National Economic University named by S. Kuznetsa. The rich experience of POET in the sphere of preparation of highly qualiphicaled specialists give us opportunity to be one of the most active member of this actual programme. Cooperation of Computer-Aided Management Systems department and University of Klagenfurt (Austria) began in 1997 when associate professor Dr.-Ing. N.V.Tkachuk took part in the work of scientific seminar of the Institute of Applied Information Systems of University of Klagenfurt. In 1999 with active participation of professor Dr. Heinrich C. Mayr Computer-Aided Management Systems department was granted with a library of the special literature in English and German. Also since 2000 within the framework of cooperation with University of Klagenfurt the best students of the CAMS department had pre-diploma practice in Austrian software developing firms. The teachers of University of Klagenfurt give a series of lectures for students NTU ‘KhPI’ on a regular basis. Professor Dr. H.C.Mayr is the honorable doctor of our university. Since 1999 Computer-Aided Management Systems department has cooperated with the University of Magdeburg (Germany). The close partner of the department was the institute of enterprise automation problems, headed by professor R.Kühnle. Since 2001 the department also has cooperated with the scientific-innovational center of Magdebourg university, «Experimental factory» headed by doctor R.Fietz. Within the framework of the cooperation the staff of Computer-Aided Management Systems department had a probation period at University of Magdeburg, and also the German scientists publish their works in NTU ‘KhPI’ scientific magazines. In May, 2003 the two-year working program of cooperation between NTU ‘KhPI’ and Technical Institute of Carinthia, located in the city of Villach (Austria) was signed. Within the framework of this program professor Andreas Pester has delivered two series of lectures and laboratory works on problems of remote education and complex system simulation for students of Computer-Aided Management Systems department. In the near future within the framework of cooperation it is planned to submit projects according to the TEMPUS program of European Community. Also there are plans to continue work at creating of curriculums for teaching English. During his latest visit to Kharkov professor A.Pester was greatly interested in the scientific group project at the problems of designing and modeling Web-based SCADA-systems and offered to write a co-authored work for the conference on Remote Engineering taking place in September, 2004 in Villach. Cooperation of Computer-Aided Management Systems department with Technical University Hamburg-Harburg (Germany) began in 2000. German partners are the department of production economics headed by professor Wolfgang Kersten, and the department of innovational management headed by professor Kornelius Hershtadt.In October, 2003 professor W.Kersten visited NTU ‘KhPI’ and delivered a series of lectures on modern scientific problems of production economics. As a result of cooperation it is necessary to emphasize training of students and post-graduates of Computer-Aided Management Systems department at the University Hamburg-Harburg. It becomes possible owing to the educational grant of Leonard Euler program. Also the co-authored works of Computer-Aided Management Systems department and University Hamburg-Harburg staff were written.