In 2014 the department commemorated the semicentenary: in 1964 the professor of the Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute Areh Vaharshakovich Dabahyan ( in cooperation with the general designer of KB “Elektropriborostroyeniye” Vladimir Hrihoryevich Serheyev founded the department intended to research engineers training in the field of automatic control of the movement. In 1977 AUD department was reorganized into ASU department, and in 2015 is renamed into Software Engineering and Management Information Technologies Department (SEMIT).
Specialists training was carried out by the original education plan developed personally by A. V. Dabahyan: for the first time in the country studying of programming on the ECM began with the first semester of students training. In the first years of department activity the main customer of NIR was KB “Elektropriborostroyeniye” which executive staff took the lead in creation of ASU department. The staff of ASU department managed to show themselves off the high skilled and reliable partner in the solution of the complex scientific and technological tasks connected with creation of the control systems of technical objects operated on the earth and in space. In 70-90 the department fruitfully cooperated with State Organization “Gagarin Research&Test Cosmonaut Training Center” (Moscow), KB “Elektropriborostroyeniye” (Kharkiv), the State Scientific Research Institute of Civil Aviation (Moscow), Scientific Research Institute of Civil Aviation “Aeroproyekt” (Moscow), Scientific Research Institute “Ahat” (Moscow) and other leading enterprises of branches. Since the end of the 90th the department begins to work with State department of documentation insurance fund of Ukraine (Kharkiv), there are contracted economic agreements with the enterprises of Kharkiv: KB “Promavtomatika”, LLC “ASUgazservis”, regional gas recover government of “Kharkovgazdobycha”.
In 1964 the postgraduate study was open at the department. At the present time more than 100 Candidate of Science are prepared. Except the prof. A. V. Dabahyan, till 2010 twelve graduates and the staff of department became doctors of science. This is M. D. Godlevsky is the head of the department of automated control systems, G. A. Sukhorukov is deputy director for science of the Ukrainian research and development establishment of environmental problems, B. I. Kuznetsov is the head of magnetic field problems department of technical objects magnetism of technical research centre of Ukraine Science Academy, L. A. Gambarov is the director of informatics and management institute, V. P. Avramov is the department founder of wheel and track laying vehicles, Yu. T. Kostenko is the rector of the Kharkiv polytechnical university, A. S. Kutsenko is the head of the system analysis and management department, V. Ya. Zaruba is the head of the economic cybernetics and marketing management department, E.E. Alexandrov is professor of the wheel and track laying vehicles department, I. V. Kononenko is the head of the strategic management department, I. P. Gamayun is the dean of informatics and management faculty, N. V. Tkachuk is professor of department to the SEMIT department.
Today ASU department conducts development of two following subjects: “Development of information and analytical technologies of strategic management of the hierarchical distributed systems” (under the direction of the head of department, professor, doctor of technical science M. D. Godlevsky) and “Development of intellectual models and technologies for improvement of the design and maintenance effectiveness of difficult program systems” (under the leadership of the professor, doctor of technical science N. V. Tkachuk).
One of the most important aspects of ASU department activity that are directed to improvement of education quality and expansion of a range of scientific research is a cooperation with foreign partners: with university of Klagenfurt (Austria), with Technical university Hamburg-Garburg (Germany) and Technical institute of Carinthia, located at Villach (Austria). In 2001 under the leadership of the rector of NTU “KhPI” professor L. L. Tovazhnyansky and with the assistance of the SEMIT department representatives professors M.D. Godlevsky and N. V. Tkachuk, and also the Chairman of Society of Germany Informatics (GI) professor G. Mayer the “Technology of Information Systems and Its Appliance” conference (ISTA) which covered a wide range of the most modern information technologies was organized. More than 100 scientists and experts from the different countries of the world, including Germany, Austria, Great Britain, Denmark, Italy, Russia, Slovenia, Finland took part in it. In the next years the ISTA conference took place in Salt Lake City (the State of Utah, the USA), Wellington (New Zealand), Klagenfurt (Austria), Sydney (Australia), and Yalta (Ukraine). The next conference is planned to be held in 2015.
Since 2001 the Center of modern information technologies functions at ASU department. The main objective of the IT Center work is a creation of conditions for successful implementation of pilot projects in the sphere of modern information technologies.
In 2006 the academic industrial complex “Silicon Valley” — the joint project of the NTU “KhPI” and the Telesens company, one of the largest in the CIS software producers, in the field of telecommunications, was created at the initiative of Software Engineering and Management Information Technologies Department and the System Analysis and Management Department.
The project is designed to give the chance to students and university professors without separation from study or work to participate in the embodiment of real developments and business projects, having added, thus, theoretical knowledge with necessary practical skills.
It is known that Silicon Valley, the world’s largest IT business park that located in the USA is a recognized symbol of high technologies breakthrough. Now in Ukraine this brand will be associated with technical education breakthrough.
Business projects of the academic industrial complex “Silicon Valley” — remote development of corporate applications in various branches of human activity.
The director of the center — professor, doctor of technical science M. D. Godlevsky, the head of the Software Engineering and Management Information Technologies Department of NTU “KhPI”.
The deputy director for a production part – the assistant professor, candidate of the technical science E. E. Rubin, the director of the Kharkiv computer and technological college of the NTU “KhPI“, the director of Telesens International Ltd.
The deputy director for scientific work – professor, the doctor of technical science A. S. Kutsenko, the head of the system analysis and management department of NTU “KhPI”.
Today the department carries out preparation in two directions: “computer sciences” and “program engineering”. The main objective of the Software Engineering and Management Information Technologies Department of NTU “KhPI” was always the specialists’ fundamental training in the field of automated management and information technologies. Such approach was set in the 60-70th years of last century and was repaid completely in the next years. Many department graduates became the famous scientists, university professors, heads of the large enterprises and organizations, achieved considerable progress in business. The key to the department success in science and education is: high level of students training in the field of mathematics, informatics and foreign languages on the basis of careful selection of school leavers; professionality of department lecturing staff that is completely created from the best graduates; high level of computer facilities availability.
The task of department – training of the qualified specialists of the highest possible standards and this problem by now is solved by pedagogical staff at the highest level for 50 years