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(Русский) Реализация проекта MASTIS: обсуждение в Словении
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(Русский) На межвузовском семинаре обсудили актуальные тенденции современного образования в области информационных технологий
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(Русский) Презентация DAAD
(Русский) Реализация «MASTIS» по всем направлениям
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(Русский) Работа научно-практического семинара
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(Русский) В рамках европейского проекта кафедру ПИИТУ посетил профессор Яцек Лучак
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(Русский) Межвузовский семинар продолжает свою работу
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(Русский) В Политехе прошел межвузовский семинар, посвященный информационным технологиям в принятии решений
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(Русский) Защита практики магистров
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(Русский) Кафедра ПИИТУ продолжает реализацию проекта MASTIS
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(Русский) Краш-тест и тренинг от Kharkiv IT Unicorns.
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The head of the SEMIT department took part in the seminar dedicated to dual education
In February, the joint German-Ukrainian seminar “Germany’s dual education system and its experience for Ukraine” was held in Kyiv. The event was attended by the Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine Liliya Grinevich, representatives of the leading higher educational institutions of Ukraine who already have experience in introducing the dual form of education (NTU “KhPI” at the seminar was presented by the Head of the SEMIT department Professor, Doctor of Technical Science Mikhail Dmitrievich Godlevsky), German experts who shared their experience in organizing of dual higher education in Germany and owners with managers of leading Ukrainian enterprises.
Kharkiv IT Unicorns continues to provide trainings on realization of startups
In October, 2016 Kharkiv IT Cluster set up a project the Kharkiv IT Unicorns project. It is a series of the training events directed to activization a startup movement in the student’s environment of Kharkiv. The next training will take place on February 23
Lecturers of SEMIT department presented modern educational technologies
Within the framework of the XIV International school-seminar “Modern pedagogical technologies in education”, the lecturers of the department of software engineering and management information technologies of NTU “KhPI” – prof. Aleksey Vasilievich Gorely and as. prof. Olga Yurievna Cherednichenko conducted pedagogical workshops on the topics “Activation of the educational process” and “Progressive educational technologies – extension of experience on the MASTIS project”.
MASTIS project team works in the international format
In February 2017 employees of the department of software engineering and management information technologies – Ph.D., associate professor Olga Yurievna Cherednichenko and Ph.D., associate professor Tatyana Vyacheslavovna Zakharova visited the Technical University of Lulea (Sweden) as a working group within the project MASTIS.
The student of SEMIT department – the first participant of the grants program EU ERASMUS+
The cooperation between Department of Software Engineering and Management Information Technologies (SEMIT) and foreign universities as well as participation in the international projects are the most important aspects of all activities, which are aimed to improve the quality and prestige of education and scientific research which are carried out at the our Department. The first EU Erasmus+ grant trip was held by our student in this academic year. This master student is David Dabagyan, who had been scoring top marks in all subjects for several semesters in his group KN-31Vm, at the “Software Engineering” field of study.